When you get the eviction notice with your court date, make sure to show up! You should go to court even if you think you will lose, and even if you have already moved. If you don’t show up, you will receive an automatic eviction judgement which will end up on your record. Depending on your circumstances, your case could be dismissed or delayed.
2. Call Southeast Louisiana Legal Services (SLLS): (504) 529-1000, extension 223
Through the Right to Counsel Program, SLLS provides free legal assistance to renters facing eviction. A lawyer may be able to stop your eviction or keep it off your record. So, call them as soon as you can! If no one picks up, make sure to leave a message letting them know how best to contact you. SLLS also conducts in-person intake for the Right to Counsel Program. You can visit their office on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10AM-3PM, located on the 6th floor of 1340 Poydras Street.
3. Apply for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)!
The Office of Community Development is still providing rental assistance to tenants who are behind on rent on a case by case basis. You must apply in person at their office located on the 10th floor of 1340 Poydras Street. An SLLS lawyer can help you apply as well.
*UPDATE* As of March 1st, 2024 the Office of Community Development has announced that renters who have previously received ANY amount of funds from the Emergency Rental Assistance Program will be denied on applications in the future.
4. New Orleans Renters Rights Hotline: (504) 539-4504 (for English, press 7 | Para español, oprima 6)
For more details about the information presented here or other housing related questions, call us! We can direct you to other resources or help you organize against any threats or bullying that you might be facing from your landlord.
For more information
With help from local artist, Eren Wilson, Jane Place has published Help! I'm Being Evicted: A Step by Step Guide for Renters, a comic book guide that offers tenants advice on what to do when they are facing an eviction notice: how to collect evidence, how to prepare for court, possible defenses against evictions, and more. It is meant to provide guidance during an often stressful time for tenants.